Monday, November 7, 2011


I admit it. I already miss the warm weather. Yes it just got cold here last wednesday. So what. Here are a few pics of the last warm days of summer...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I know I say this every year but Halloween is not my favorite holiday. In fact, I think it's kind of dumb. That being said, when you have kids, every holiday is an excuse to decorate, throw parties, and get into the spirit of things!

We carved pumpkins.... can you tell how much Siena and I loooved getting our hands dirty?

Little munchkin was the supervisor We went to the pumpkin patch- and this is actually a real pumpkin patch. Not the kind where they truck them all in, and then charge you 35 bucks for a med size pumpkin. The only downside is it's a looong walk back to the car- who knew 3 small pumpkins could be such a pain to carry!
We decided since Sofia is too small to carve a pumpkin, she would just be a pumpkin.And, of course, we went trick-or-treating! Here is the Little Mermaid and a watermelon.Hope everyone had a safe and fun Halloween! Fall is finally here and I can't wait for all the next holiday madness!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Fall bucket list

I've seen these popping up all over the 'net and thought we needed one of our own...

Fall bucket List 2011

1. Go apple picking (and apple pie eating and cider drinking)
2. Enjoy a nature walk and create something with what we find
3. Go on a fall picnic
4. Make something new and delicious in the crockpot
5. Carve pumpkins and go trick-or-treating
6. Take autumn inspired pictures (imagine Sofia inside a pumpkin)
7. Knit something warm to wear
8. Make a fall wreath
9. Sign up for bountiful baskets and enjoy some fall produce!
10. Make caramel apples

Did I miss anything???

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Nothing says fall like strolling through a straw maze and eating some apple cider donuts....well except maybe some COOLER WEATHER!!!! Come on fall- it's time!!!! I miss my boots, and jeans, and wearing socks! I want to put my blanket sheets on the bed and make soup! So many things to love about fall....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


You know what makes me really happy???Getting $151.49 worth of books for 20 dollars! I will miss you Borders, but I can't argue with your going out of business sale!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

craft time

So this one of those posts I warned you about. You know, the crafting ones.

I'd like to say that I'm so creative I came up with this idea all by myself, but, that would be a lie. I found it on my favorite time killer Pinterest. It was so easy and Siena had a ball "designing" her own t-shirt. All you do is draw a picture in crayon on some fine sandpaper.... and iron it on to a t-shirt! Obviously there was a little more to it, but I won't bore you with the details. I've already warned Siena that we were making shirts to sleep in and not ones that are actually leaving the house. She has decided on about 4 other people that can't live without one of these shirts. You have been warned. You may be one of the lucky few receiving one of these for Christmas. And Siena is an equal opportunity crafter- I've been told that boys OR girls can wear rainbows, hearts, and Star Wars. You know that means little sis is get a Darth Vader shirt and Brandon is getting a big rainbow right?

Monday, September 5, 2011


Something new is coming to the blog. Now I know everyone loves all the family stuff, blah blah blah. Sometimes I just need a place to pat myself on the back. Hence, the craft and project posts. Just pretend you like them, are interested, and think I am amazing.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

going back to Cali

I should have mentioned that our #1 top favorite thing to do when it's a million degrees outside leave!

Munchie had her first official trip to the beach...and Siena couldn't have been happier to spend time with her bff!We also had an amazing trip to Disneyland!I got the coveted position of riding in between the kiddos on their first time on Thunder Mountain! Gavin loved it...Siena not so much. And, as always, as long as they are together a good day is guaranteed.

summer fun

Top things to do when the temp reaches triple digits:

Go to the lake.Notice the ginormous wagon full of stuff we needed for the whopping 1.5 hours we were there. Babies are tiny but need WAY too much stuff.

Go to the drive-in.This was a good idea in theory. We forgot that it would still be about 90 degrees even after dark, so it was a little warm to enjoy the movie. Siena didn't seem to mind. B and I kept looking at each other and thinking, "HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS MOVIE!"

Go to the pool.This obviously isn't the pool. We always forget the camera- but I figured crazy haired child with goggles get the idea. We go almost every night after dinner to burn off some energy before bed.

Go to the Orchard.One of our favorite things to do. Who doesn't love sweating in a hot field while picking your own produce? Plus we can relax and let Siena drive around. What? You don't let your kid drive your car? I figure in this day and age 5 yr. olds are doing a lot worse things than operating heavy machinery...

I let her use knives too...judge away.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I guess before I posted about kindergarten, I should have mentioned her graduating preschool. We like to keep you on your toes around here. It was definitely bittersweet- I was excited about all the extra hang out time during the summer, but sad because it meant "real" school was getting closer and closer. She was going to miss her best bud Noah...(Isn't he a little charmer)

Her teachers were all great. Hopefully we will be as lucky next year.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

growing up

I'd like to introduce myself- I'm the girl who hasn't been blogging in the last few months (hangs head in shame). Glad that is over with, moving on.

So much has been going on around here in the last few (ok 6) months. Luckily, it's all been fun stuff, and not me loosing my mind while trying to juggle 2 kids. Sofia is so amazingly easy I didn't really need much of an adjustment period. I'll probably be changing my story once she is actually mobile.

So the latest and greatest around here has been Siena starting kindergarten. We both survived the first few days of school. She already made a new friend and seems to be adjusting just fine. I, on the other hand, have resorted to staring at the clock until it's time to pick her up. I know eventually I'll be glad she is going, but for now, I'm sad and lonely.

A recap of our summer in coming next!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Meet the newest member of the fam! Sofia decided to make an appearance on March 1rst at 5:46pm. She weighed 8 1/2 lbs and was 19.75 inches long. I can't believe it's already been over 3 weeks since she's been home! Things are settling down around here and we are starting to get into a rhythm of sorts...if you can call being sleep deprived and brain dead a "rhythm". But seriously, things are going way better than I thought they would be and Sofia is such a good little baby.
We've been so lucky with all the help our friends and family have given us. Our moms came to the rescue at the hospital (Siena almost had a front row seat to the birth- talk about traumatizing a 4 yr old!), my friends brought us dinners, and my sister did everything around the house and kept me sane for the last 2 weeks. She left yesterday so now we are officially on our own... dun dun duuuuunnnnnn. Now I actually have to start cooking and cleaning again-ugh.

Siena is loving her role as a big sis... as long as it doesn't interfere with her busy schedule of playing and causing trouble. Her favorite thing is picking clothes out for the baby to wear... and since Sofia needs about 500 outfits changes a day it's working out pretty good!

Up next... a recap of the fabulous and crazy past 2 weeks with my sis and nephews!

Friday, February 18, 2011

weekends rock

This is what I have been waking up to almost every Saturday morning.Siena and the man making breakfast... like full on eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, and coffee (can you tell how happy the last one makes me?)It's the most amazing new tradition because it means that 1. I got to sleep in AND 2. I can eat a ginormous amount of food without having to lift a finger to make it!

Sometimes he even cleans up... I know...something crazy is going on out here.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Last week someone actually had the nerve to surprise me...can you believe it!?! I and surprises usually don't mix, however, this was such a nice surprise, I actually didn't mind at all. Some of the gals threw me a surprise baby shower! It was suppose to just be a regular playdate but it was all a ruse... I think Siena was as shocked as I was. When they opened the door and yelled surprise she turned around and high-tailed it back to the car! We had a soup and salad bar and some amazing cupcakes- which I ate about half a dozen of (I'm allowed it's my shower). They also surprised me with a video chat with my bff in Russia... which of course left me bawling because apparently that is what hormonal pregnant women do...ugh. It was such a nice day and now I feel like we are officially ready for baby to make an appearance. Yes- I am giving the baby permission to come. I have control issues- did you seriously think I'd be ok with her coming any old times she pleases??? Ok I like the "illusion" of control...don't judge.

Monday, February 14, 2011

happy v-day

We love Valentine's day around here. I love it because it's an excuse to decorate the house and make a bunch of random crafts, and Siena loves it because everything is pink! We decided to have a party again this year as sort of our last big hurrah before the newest shrimp arrives in a few weeks. We decorated treats, exchanges valentines, made crafts, and ate a bunch of food- it was a little crazy at times (20 kids will do that I guess) but so much fun! Luckily, I have amazing friends who helped clean up before everyone took off....and I left everything else for B to clean up later...happy valentines day honey!!!! I know how much vacuuming rocks your world!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

tea time

I'm a complete sucker when it comes to crafting. Everyone knows this about me but especially my daughter. She gets these crazy 4 yr. old ideas in her head and then says "mom, can you make _________ for me!!!!!" and I, being the complete sucker that I am, always say yes. These days it has become a little more challenging- like when she decided she needed a Cinderella dress for the "ball". Couldn't I just whip one up for her???? I can't ever say no because she completely loves everything I make her. She does the whole " MOM! It's perfect!!!!!! Just what I always wanted!" Seriously. Her exact words. This kid has me down to a science.So the latest project: A tablecloth and matching napkins for her tea set. This only took about 10 minutes and was totally mindless (thank you serger!) The fact that it kept her busy for about an hour (so I could work on something else I've been trying to finish) made it worth it.... and the fact that I got to see her in that hat- she tells me it's only for tea parties.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

notes to me

Dear Self,

I'd like to remind you of a few things that I think you may have forgotten in the past few weeks.

  1. You are 8 months pregnant. Painting, climbing ladders, scrubbing baseboards, and heavy lifting are suppose to be done by others. Please stop doing them!

  2. These are only 24 hours in the day. That is suppose to include sleeping and resting. There are not 24 workable hours in the day.

  3. Just because you like to work on projects doesn't mean you should plan so many that it is impossible to get them all done before the baby comes. I know making all the bedding, curtains, and recovering the chair seemed like a good idea 3 months ago... it really wasn't.

  4. It's ok to feel hormonal. Not so ok to act hormonal.

  5. Everything will work out. It always does. Haven't you learned this by now!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

month in a whirl

This blog feels exactly like what our lives have been like- as in the last month and a half disappeared without a trace! I blinked and Christmas was over along with the better part of January. Seriously?!?! So here is quick recap of all the winter craziness....

We went to a "Holiday Spectacular" (how could we resist something called that!) at The Springs Preserve. Siena got to ride a reindeer, put in a good word with Santa, and eat about a lb and a half of candy. I did "help" finish her cotton candy... being the good mother that I am.
We made cookies... about 15 times...

Went up to the snow for some sledding and snow angel making.
Saw Disney on Ice. This is the only picture I have of us there because Siena kept telling me to "take a picture of that princess!" We were like the princess paparazzi so I basically have 200 photos of people I don't know, dancing around in costumes. hmmmm...

I turned 29! Ok I just rolled my eyes when I typed that exclamation point. I'm not excited. Next year is 30. How.did.this.happen. Sorry no pictures- I hadn't put my teeth in or drank my Metamucil yet.

Brandon actually dressed up for Christmas. I had to document this because it is the only time all year (besides when he comes home from work) that he isn't wearing a holey t-shirt.

This was the first year Siena was super excited about Christmas morning. We had so much fun and she got WAY too much stuff!

I woke up to look out my window and see this! Seriously crazy snow storm at our house.
We made homemade peppermint marshmallows. They were amazing-ly delicious. Hot chocolate may never be the same. I only mention this because it was a sticky, irritating mess, and I need to remind myself that the end result was worth it. It was.
I'm sure there are about 50 other things I am forgetting. It's safe to say we had an amazing holiday, loved seeing all of our families, and are counting down the days till December is back!!