Top things to do when the temp reaches triple digits:
Go to the lake.

Notice the ginormous wagon full of stuff we needed for the whopping 1.5 hours we were there. Babies are tiny but need WAY too much stuff.

Go to the drive-in.
This was a good idea in theory. We forgot that it would still be about 90 degrees even after dark, so it was a little warm to enjoy the movie. Siena didn't seem to mind. B and I kept looking at each other and thinking, "HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS MOVIE!"

Go to the pool.
This obviously isn't the pool. We always forget the camera- but I figured crazy haired child with goggles get the idea. We go almost every night after dinner to burn off some energy before bed.

Go to the Orchard.
One of our favorite things to do. Who doesn't love sweating in a hot field while picking your own produce? Plus we can relax and let Siena drive around. What? You don't let your kid drive your car? I figure in this day and age 5 yr. olds are doing a lot worse things than operating heavy machinery...

I let her use knives too...judge away.
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