Sunday, January 23, 2011

notes to me

Dear Self,

I'd like to remind you of a few things that I think you may have forgotten in the past few weeks.

  1. You are 8 months pregnant. Painting, climbing ladders, scrubbing baseboards, and heavy lifting are suppose to be done by others. Please stop doing them!

  2. These are only 24 hours in the day. That is suppose to include sleeping and resting. There are not 24 workable hours in the day.

  3. Just because you like to work on projects doesn't mean you should plan so many that it is impossible to get them all done before the baby comes. I know making all the bedding, curtains, and recovering the chair seemed like a good idea 3 months ago... it really wasn't.

  4. It's ok to feel hormonal. Not so ok to act hormonal.

  5. Everything will work out. It always does. Haven't you learned this by now!

1 comment:

The Boyd Family said...

1. I was packing and unpacking at 8 months prego- guess I can't scold you for that one.
2. There are not 24 workable hours. TAKE MORE NAPS!!!
3. Save all that stuff for when I'm out there are we are staring at each other bored. Oh wait...there will be four kids...Nevermind.
4. This is when you can actually play the prego card and have an excuse for being hormonal.
5. Yes, everything will work out, and your lil sissy will be there to cook, clean, and care for that little baby just like you did for me!!!