Isn't that in a song? "...I think it was the forth of July..."
One thing I love about where we live is there is always a bunch of fun outdoorsy stuff to do (and by fun I mean free). We've been hearing about a park by us that has a movie night on Saturdays. Since we are such a lively bunch, and never have much planned in the evenings, we decided to check it out. It starts at sundown (which is pretty late around here) so Siena's sunny disposition had already hitch-hiked back home and all that was left was...well this...
Although my secret weapon (tickling until she screams "uncle") worked in this next one- it is the only picture we got that doesn't look like she is ready to maul us (what a sweet child) :)

I cannot believe how big she's getting -- so beautiful!!
Thanks to you, I was singing that song all day. ;) "Saturday...In the park..."
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