We have been a busy bunch around here! Not sure where all the motivation came from- but I'm not complaining! Especially since Brandon is back to work tomorrow and we are back to business as usual...
Friday we decided to check out the
Techatticup Mining camp that's about an hour out of town. They have a ton of artifacts and cool stuff to look at- I was into the history of the place (oh how I miss you
Bodie), Siena thought the dead animal heads on the wall were pretty much the greatest things ever, and Brandon's main focus was "where could he go to find himself some gold", and if they sold gold pans, pick axes, or any other gold mining equipment (which was a big no).
We needed 4 people in order to do a tour, and with only 2 adults (apparently children aren't "people" yet) we had to go to plan B.
Plan B you say? Renting a kayak and taking it down to the Colorado river of course:) Apparently they are only a few miles from a little cove where you can drive up to the water and throw in a boat:) Which is exactly what we did!
Strapping a kayak to the top of the Hyundai was....interesting at best:) but once we got it all situated, and down to the water, it was a blast.
This pic is from the end of our trip which you can probably tell from the look on Siena's face:)
Brandon teaching Siena how to pan for gold. It's a good skill to have people!

Siena mad because "WHERE IS MY GOLD!!!!!"
Siena and I having a heart to heart and enjoying the water and view!

A little father daughter time in the kayak... and yes I am on the shore taking a nap:)
Overall it was an amazing day. We will definitely be going back and doing it again soon!
P.S- I would like to dedicate this post and the re-starting up of this blog to Katie... because let's face it, without her restarting her blog and making me feel guilty every time she posts, I'm not sure I would be motivated enough to do it. After all, I AM the older sister and the competitive edge runs deep- you will not out post me MUAHAHAHAHA! ok I'm done...