Thursday was Siena's first day of school! Granted it's just preschool, but I am still convinced this is the beginning of the end. She wasn't too sure about the whole idea at first... this is the "fake
smile because mom told me to look happy" face right before we left.
Once we got there and she saw all the other kids she started to get excited.

After I got back to the car I called Brandon and blubbered like an idiot about how the next thing we know she will be getting married, and moving away, and we will hear from her once a week (if we are lucky). He was a little more level headed about the situation and convinced me that this is just the next exciting chapter for us... I agree but I can still cry if I want to.
Sooo cute! I'm already preparing myself for my emotions on Wednesday. :)
Yay Siena! Is it full-time? I hope not because I want to see you guys. :) Now you can have lunch dates with hubby before the baby comes. Javari starts on Tuesday but it's only 4 hours per week.
Um, where does the time go??? She looks ADORABLE!
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