Monday, June 23, 2008

Ya I know...

it's been awhile:) So here's the update. We took Siena to Disneyland for Brandon's B-day (back in May). I still have no pics because we forgot our camera and had to buy a disposable one. How did anyone every survive before digital cameras?!?!?!-We still haven't gotten that stupid thing developed- and actually have no idea if any of the pictures turned out because you can't preview them as you go... ok I found one pic:)

We took Siena for a nice little outing at the beach. She was pretty afraid of the water but I guess that's what living in Vegas does to you... I mean come on- the largest body of water she has seen in a while is her kiddie pool. I'm guessing the whole ocean was just a little overwhelming. Kellie and her new beau went with us and it was nice to be able to spend some time with her:).

One of my best friends since elementary school is getting married! Benita had her bachelorette party at Disneyland and I was so happy to be able to go. I was only there for the "g rated" part but that was o.k. with me:)
The only other news I have to report is I actually grew something!!! The radishes are doing good (I know- radishes). I owe the gardens success all to Siena because unless she insists on playing in the backyard, I totally forget to water it:) Cucumbers, green beans and carrots should be ready in a few weeks!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day

Happy mother's day to all! We had such nice day- that Brandon actually PLANNED... can you believe it?!?! He surprised me with breakfast from Mimi's and a nice walk out at Floyd Lamb state park. Siena loved the horses and chasing the ducks. Then we did a little shopping and relaxing and ended the day at the St. Genaro Italian festival. They had great food, music and a ton of little shops set up. I got a funnel cake, of course, which made it the best mother's day ever!!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Siena's summer dress

I made Siena her first summer dress! The pattern was designed by a friend in my knitting group and I can't wait to trying it on her. I still have to add the ribbon and buttons :)

After a few weeks...

The garden is actually growing!!!! Shocking I know:) We planted carrots, radishes, cucumbers, green beans, and a bunch of herbs. We were also going to plant peas but accidentally bought the frost resistant variety that doesn't produce when temps get above 70 degrees- ummm that's not going to work out here....except maybe in January.
Here is the fancy smancy deck that Brandon built so the bbq is up and out of the way. Didn't know I was married to a handy man did ya??? And Siena with a big old face full of watermelon. It's all the rave around here and she can't get enough. In fact, hanging out in the backyard eating it while I water the garden, has become our new daily routine:)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Spring planting

This is the ugly, useless, non-productive corner in our yard.... soon to be our pretty, vegetable producing garden! I haven't done very well the the few houseplants I have tried to keep alive, but I am hoping that a green thumb will magically appear. We are going to have carrots, zucchini, radishes, green beans, and sweet peas- at least that is the plan. It is going to be finished up and planted this weekend so more pics to follow:) And here is a pic of Siena......helping

Monday, March 24, 2008


We decided to be real rebels this year and forgo traditional Easter activities. Mainly because we were so tired from the busy weekend but lets pretend it's because out here in Vegas... we live on the edge..ok but seriously. We had a quiet day at home without Easter eggs hunts, ham dinner, egg coloring or any other rigmarole. We did still go to church because I'm not that big of a rebel. Instead of messing with a huge dinner, we bbq'ed steaks and avoided all the clean up. It was such a nice day and even though we missed our families- sometimes it's really nice to keep things simple. Happy Easter!!! Ok so I did still buy Siena an Easter dress- but she looks so freaking adorable I couldn't help it!

Red Rock

This past weekend we decided to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having- you know before it's 5 million degrees by 8 am. Red rock canyon is about a 20 minute drive and even though we have been in Vegas 3 years, we never checked it out. It was so much fun!!! They have a big scenic loop drive you can take and a bunch of trails to hike. We saw so many people mountain climbing and trekking all over the place. Siena loves hanging out in the backpack so we hiked up to a waterfall and got some pics. Hopefully we will be heading back this weekend with Gavin and all our visitors...

Monday, March 17, 2008

bye bye binkie

This is now officially a binkie free zone!!! I'm happy to not be getting up every night to find the "much needed but lost under the crib" pacifier... but I am sad because this is just one more baby step to "toddler becoming child becoming annoying teenager becoming adult" trend we seem to be on around here. I ran across this pic and wanted to post it for all to see because it is the last of its kind. No more cute baby with pacifier pictures around here any longer! Yeah..... I think....


Not too much to report in the last month or so. We got back from Seattle the end of February. It was so much fun!!! Even though Siena was sick, we got our much needed Gavin-Katie-Joe fix. The flight up was pretty uneventful- I didn't have an anxiety attack in the airport which was a nice little bonus for Brandon because I think he was counting on one. I found a little bottle of benadryl stashed in his bag and I don't think he would have been afraid to use it:) The week went by soooo fast and it was really hard to come back home. The flight home was a little more drama but nothing I can't permanently block out:) Siena was super sick when we got back and had to get on some meds the next day. We are now all happy, healthy, and anxiously awaiting everyone to come out in a couple weeks for Kellie's 21rst b-day!!! Anyway here are some pics from the trip... These were taken at the children's museum in Seattle. The kids had such a great time! They had all these different rooms- a grocery store to "shop" in, a fire truck with gear to dress up in, a hardware store with tools and items to build, and so much more...

Here is Siena and I on the plane- as you can see neither one of us is crying so it had to be on the way up to Seattle... the pics from the trip home are terribly scary...

I love this picture!!! Brandon is reading that story for the twentieth time and both kids just rolled out of bed as proven by Siena's hair:)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Being Thankful

Yesterday was Brandon and my 6 year anniversary!!! I can't believe it has already been that long- ok that's a lie because sometimes it feels like FOREVER- but in a good way (he might be reading this). I got the following message in an email and it really made me smile. There are a ton of things about Brandon that drive me crazy, but it reminds me how lucky I am to be alive and have such a wonderful husband. I mean ya- when I fall into the toilet at 3 am because he left the seat up...AGAIN... it's hard to appreciate all the great things about him. But without him working so hard everyday to support our family, I wouldn't have a roof over my head or a toilet to fall into!!! So here is the email and I added a few of my own:)

I am thankful:

For my husband who is on the sofa being a couch potato, because he is home with me instead of out on the town.

For the disaster my house is in after I host a playdate, because it means I have been surrounded by friends.

For the clothes the are getting too snug and the belly that won't go away, because it means I have enought to eat.

For my shadow that watches me work, because it means I am outside in the sun.

For the lawn the needs mowing, the weeds that need pulling, and the freezer that won't stop leaking, because it means I have a home.

For all the complaing people do about the government, because it means we have freedom of speech.

For finding a parking spot at the far corner of the lot, because it means I can walk and have been blessed with transportation.

For my huge heating bill, because it means I am warm!!!

For the lady I have to listen to yapping in the checkout line, because it means I can hear.

For all the laundry and ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear.

For the drained and weary feeling I have at the end of the day, because it means that I am capable of working hard.

For the alarm that goes off every morning, because it means that I am alive to enjoy another day.

For all the times Siena has woken me up in the middle of the night, because it means that she is still little and needs me, at least for now.

For the 500 times I have to ask Brandon to pick up after himself, because it means that he has stuck by me through all my crankiness and craziness.

For feeling sad sometimes, because it makes me appreciate feeling happy.

Too much time on my hands...

A gal in my knitting group just happened to have her birthday fall on the night we meet, so I decided to make cupcakes and thought these would be appropriate. I can't take credit for the idea because I actually got it from this blog. I thought they were pretty festive and were really fun to do! I used fondant to "knit" the scarves, swatches, and roll the yarn balls and needles. I have never worked with anything like this before and I always like to try new things. The fondant tastes pretty gross- well it doesn't really taste bad, it just doesn't taste good. We had a great time and luckily there was a couple left so I ate them for breakfast the next morning:) I don't think cake or cupcake decorating is anything I would want to do as a hobby, but you never know when it might come in handy...

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Note to self: the next time you convince your husband that leaving the jacuzzi empty is a good idea please refer to this picture.

Note to self: hide and destroy this picture in case Brandon hasn't looked in the backyard and noticed that the jacuzzi is floating right out of the ground.

Who woulda thought a little rain could actually pop something so heavy out of the ground. Well I guess you learn something new everyday:)

Friday, January 25, 2008

beanie model

My Sister-in-law informed me the other day that Andre (my nephew) really wanted me to knit him a beanie. So with his birthday coming up, I decided to be a little adventurous and try this skull one. It actually came out pretty good- WAY better that I thought it would. Let's be honest- I thought it would be a black hat with white blobs on it:) Siena decided to try it on and she just may have a job as a little beanie model in her future . She has even perfected the "what are you looking at?!?!" attitude that goes so well with the hat. She may need one of her own.... in pink of course.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear shortypants....happy birthday to you!!!

Today Gavin is 3!!!!! I can't believe it....only a short time ago he was tiny and wrinkly and drooly:) Here is a pic (yes I know I look retarded) when he was only....hmmm- Katie how old was he in this picture? Now he is actually a kid and learning and growing WAY too fast. These kids better cut this out!!! No more growing!!!!

my guess is 5 I close? anyone?


Hello all!
Yes I know I have been majorly slacking on the blog... my excuse is that my computer crashed and I didn't have it for many weeks. However, now that it is back in running order, I guess it's time to get back on track. You would think after a month or so I would have something terribly exciting to write about... but I don't :) I will however, scream at the top of my lungs to BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVES, BURN YOUR PHOTOS ON CD'S, SAVE THE MUSIC!!!! Luckily my computer came back from the geek squad with all my pictures and music on it, but at first they told me I would lose everything. So if you have been meaning to do it and procrastinating- stop what you are doing right this second and back it up!!! Trust me, you will be glad you did...

...and here is a cute pic that has nothing to do with this blog:)