I've seen these popping up all over the 'net and thought we needed one of our own...
Fall bucket List 2011
1. Go apple picking (and apple pie eating and cider drinking)
2. Enjoy a nature walk and create something with what we find
3. Go on a fall picnic
4. Make something new and delicious in the crockpot
5. Carve pumpkins and go trick-or-treating
6. Take autumn inspired pictures (imagine Sofia inside a pumpkin)
7. Knit something warm to wear
8. Make a fall wreath
9. Sign up for bountiful baskets and enjoy some fall produce!
10. Make caramel apples
Did I miss anything???
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Nothing says fall like strolling through a straw maze and eating some apple cider donuts....
well except maybe some COOLER WEATHER!!!! Come on fall- it's time!!!! I miss my boots, and jeans, and wearing socks! I want to put my blanket sheets on the bed and make soup! So many things to love about fall....

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
You know what makes me really happy???
Getting $151.49 worth of books for 20 dollars! I will miss you Borders, but I can't argue with your going out of business sale!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
craft time
So this one of those posts I warned you about. You know, the crafting ones.
I'd like to say that I'm so creative I came up with this idea all by myself, but, that would be a lie. I found it on my favorite time killer Pinterest. It was so easy and Siena had a ball "designing" her own t-shirt. All you do is draw a picture in crayon on some fine sandpaper....
and iron it on to a t-shirt!
Obviously there was a little more to it, but I won't bore you with the details. I've already warned Siena that we were making shirts to sleep in and not ones that are actually leaving the house. She has decided on about 4 other people that can't live without one of these shirts. You have been warned. You may be one of the lucky few receiving one of these for Christmas. And Siena is an equal opportunity crafter- I've been told that boys OR girls can wear rainbows, hearts, and Star Wars. You know that means little sis is get a Darth Vader shirt and Brandon is getting a big rainbow right?

Monday, September 5, 2011
Something new is coming to the blog. Now I know everyone loves all the family stuff, blah blah blah. Sometimes I just need a place to pat myself on the back. Hence, the craft and project posts. Just pretend you like them, are interested, and think I am amazing.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
going back to Cali
I should have mentioned that our #1 top favorite thing to do when it's a million degrees outside is...to leave!
Munchie had her first official trip to the beach...
and Siena couldn't have been happier to spend time with her bff!
We also had an amazing trip to Disneyland!
I got the coveted position of riding in between the kiddos on their first time on Thunder Mountain! Gavin loved it...Siena not so much.
And, as always, as long as they are together a good day is guaranteed.

summer fun
Top things to do when the temp reaches triple digits:
Go to the lake.

Notice the ginormous wagon full of stuff we needed for the whopping 1.5 hours we were there. Babies are tiny but need WAY too much stuff.

Go to the drive-in.
This was a good idea in theory. We forgot that it would still be about 90 degrees even after dark, so it was a little warm to enjoy the movie. Siena didn't seem to mind. B and I kept looking at each other and thinking, "HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS MOVIE!"

Go to the pool.
This obviously isn't the pool. We always forget the camera- but I figured crazy haired child with goggles on...you get the idea. We go almost every night after dinner to burn off some energy before bed.

Go to the Orchard.
One of our favorite things to do. Who doesn't love sweating in a hot field while picking your own produce? Plus we can relax and let Siena drive around. What? You don't let your kid drive your car? I figure in this day and age 5 yr. olds are doing a lot worse things than operating heavy machinery...

I let her use knives too...judge away.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I guess before I posted about kindergarten, I should have mentioned her graduating preschool. We like to keep you on your toes around here. It was definitely bittersweet- I was excited about all the extra hang out time during the summer, but sad because it meant "real" school was getting closer and closer. She was going to miss her best bud Noah...
(Isn't he a little charmer)

Her teachers were all great. Hopefully we will be as lucky next year.

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