Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hurry up already!!!!
It's finally here!!!! The whole family back together again.... Nothing feels more like christmas than watching my nephew chase Siena around the house while all us girls laugh about nothing in particular. Katie, Joe, and my bff... I mean Gavin, will be here in a few hours!!!! It finally feels like christmas:)
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Festival of lights

It's that time of year already!!! Now that Thanksgiving is over, the Christmas madness begins. Of course I say that in the most endearing way possible because I can't get enough of it! This past weekend we went to the Festival of Lights. The first official holiday event of the season:) It is a park that has been transformed into a Christmas light spectacular. You sit in your warm car, order hot chocolate or apple cider, and listen to Christmas songs as you look at all the lights.
Siena was amazed and I kept thinking about how last year, when we took Gavin, he kept saying "pretty lights, pretty lights!" We made a huge batch of rice crispy treats- not really a holiday food but they sounded soooo good. It was a wonderful start to the holiday season. The best part is all the proceeds go to charity so you are doing a good thing AND enjoying yourself:)

Happy Thanksgiving

Yes I know it's almost a week late but... Happy Thanksgiving! We had a nice and quiet one this year. All the usual- too much food, afternoon naps, football, and of course home made pumpkin pie:) I'm so glad some of my family could make it out... holidays should always be spent with others. And yes, that picture is of Siena gnawing on a TURKEY BONE!!!! That was not my idea...
Monday, November 19, 2007
My first dye job!!!

No I am not talking about my hair... I am talking about yarn!!! I seem to be using a lot of wool lately but it never comes in very many colors or anything with pizazz...at least not at Michales or JoAnns. So I decided the easiest way to get what I wanted was to do it myself. I found a great website with easy instructions and tada!!! I think it came out pretty good...there is one spot that turned sorta brown but I hid that for the picture:) Now I just have to figure out what to make with it...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Here it comes!!!

Well we had an interesting night to say the least. Poor little sickie pants was up all night throwing up. I will spare you the details, but it is definitely on my list of things to not experience again:) After 3 crib changes, 2 baths, and numerous pajama changes (I lost count), we finally settled down on the couch and watched Baby Einstein till the wee hours of the morning. She seems better today but I think we are going to lay low. Luckily I have about 4 loads of laundry to keep me busy. Does anyone know how to get half digested food bits out of the washing machine? Just thought I would ask...
Monday, November 5, 2007
reasons I now hate daylight savings

When you are growing up daylight savings time is GREAT, well at least in the fall it is. You get to stay up an hour later, you get to sleep in an extra hour, and it's pretty cool to remind everyone what time it REALLY is at least for the first few days. After you have kids, it is not so much fun anymore...
1. they are ready for bed at 6:30 because it's really 7:30...can you put them to bed at 6:30? no
2. they start crying at 6am because it really 7 and time for breakfast...can you ignore them and stay in bed just little longer? no (unless you want to be tortured by your spouse poking you every 30 seconds to get up and stop the crying)
3. nobody cares what time it REALLY is, so you just say it to yourself- but how much fun is that?
4. you have to reset all the clocks...they don't magically change themselves anymore...and there is like 50 of them!!!
5. now it gets dark sooo early and I can't take Siena for our daily bike ride before dinner:(
I can't wait to spring forward!!!!!
Little miss fix-it

Apparently we have a little miss fix-it on our hands. We decided it was time to lower the crib mattress again (sigh). Better now than after she crawls out and lands on her head. Brandon started on the project, and as soon as she saw the tool bag, she crawled over. Next thing we know she grabbed the screw driver and showed her daddy how it's done! She doesn't take after me or anything...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!!!!!
We had a halloween potluck today and Siena won the prize for best kids costume!!! It is so great when other people think your kid looks as cute as you do:) Our wicked little witch went trick-or-treating...okay we just went to one house, but she had a great time. We took lots of pics and a video of her coming home from her outing. Hope you all like it...
Craft away!
Last night I went to my first knitters meeting! Haha yes I said a meeting for knitters. I was a little skeptical, ok A LOT skeptical, since the meetup was held in a bar. It turned out to be really fun though. Everyone was welcoming and I even got some much needed help on a scarf I almost threw out the window on the way there:) They are even having a secret santa where you buy each other yarn!!! I had to hold my breathe when they announced that so I wouldn't laugh out loud. How cool right?!?! I know my Grannie is proud:)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Pumpkin carving time

So today we decided to carve our pumpkins. Siena wasn't really into it. We tried everything... letting her pull the inside stuff out, dumping a big pile of goop on her high chair, and rubbing the goop on her arm (that got a smile). I guess having her help was more for the "picture" factor than anything else. She thought rolling the pumpkin around on the floor was pretty fun though. Maybe next year she will actually want to help in some way:) I know the pumkin in the middle looks sorta odd. It's because when we opened it up it was all jerkyfied and dried out. We decided it was an old man pumpkin and so Brandon gave it bushy eyebrows and the mouth is suppose to look like gums instead of teeth. Maybe it was better in theory...
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