So today we decided to carve our pumpkins. Siena wasn't really into it. We tried everything... letting her pull the inside stuff out, dumping a big pile of goop on her high chair, and rubbing the goop on her arm (that got a smile). I guess having her help was more for the "picture" factor than anything else. She thought rolling the pumpkin around on the floor was pretty fun though. Maybe next year she will actually want to help in some way:) I know the pumkin in the middle looks sorta odd. It's because when we opened it up it was all jerkyfied and dried out. We decided it was an old man pumpkin and so Brandon gave it bushy eyebrows and the mouth is suppose to look like gums instead of teeth. Maybe it was better in theory...
Yea! I'm glad you're blogging! Sierra looks adorable!!!
I like the blog idea. Siena is, as always, adorable. I thought that pumkin in the middle was me the grandpa for a minute. Thanks for the explaination...
love you
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