Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Is it just me or does it seem a little crazy that Siena comes home from preschool with homework????
Funny story. Siena comes home from school the other day with a packet of "homework". It's each letter of the alphabet on a worksheet and they have to practice writing it 10 times uppercase and 10 time lowercase (hang in there I'm getting to the funny part). So doing the math that is writing 520 letters to do the whole thing. We had about a week to do it but I forgot about it.... until an hour before bed the night before. So now I have to get a 4 year old to sit still long enough to practice writing every letter of the alphabet 20 times!!!! I ended up bribing her with a marshmallow for every page she finished. By the time we were done it was past bedtime and I had a kid on a complete sugar high running around the house.... moral of story.... I don't know but I do know that now we sit and do whatever she brings home as soon as we walk in the door...


Vanessa said...

Court, you CRACK me up, girlfriend:) And yes, homework in preschool seems pretty intense, if you ask me! At least she'll be a little smarty pants before she goes to Kindergarten;)

The Boyd Family said...

Haha! Yes, Siena will be a little genius before she gets to kindergarten.