Sundays have now been unofficially renamed "family project day"! All this really means is doing a random activity I think up (and don't really have the energy or motivation to accomplish on my own) and I use the ruse of "family time" to rope Brandon into helping me..."
We started off with something super easy- a huge floor puzzle. Siena had a great time and it convinced Brandon that this wasn't a terrible idea...

The next week we decided to be pirates- complete with a ship, hats, swords, and eye patches.

I'm not gonna lie- the best part was watching Brandon try to squeeze into the laundry basket... and I can only say that because once I got in he had to help me get out.

Why didn't anyone teach me how to make one of these hats when I was a kid? Is it just a boy thing- you know like learning how to make gun noises?