Saturday, January 22, 2011

month in a whirl

This blog feels exactly like what our lives have been like- as in the last month and a half disappeared without a trace! I blinked and Christmas was over along with the better part of January. Seriously?!?! So here is quick recap of all the winter craziness....

We went to a "Holiday Spectacular" (how could we resist something called that!) at The Springs Preserve. Siena got to ride a reindeer, put in a good word with Santa, and eat about a lb and a half of candy. I did "help" finish her cotton candy... being the good mother that I am.
We made cookies... about 15 times...

Went up to the snow for some sledding and snow angel making.
Saw Disney on Ice. This is the only picture I have of us there because Siena kept telling me to "take a picture of that princess!" We were like the princess paparazzi so I basically have 200 photos of people I don't know, dancing around in costumes. hmmmm...

I turned 29! Ok I just rolled my eyes when I typed that exclamation point. I'm not excited. Next year is 30. How.did.this.happen. Sorry no pictures- I hadn't put my teeth in or drank my Metamucil yet.

Brandon actually dressed up for Christmas. I had to document this because it is the only time all year (besides when he comes home from work) that he isn't wearing a holey t-shirt.

This was the first year Siena was super excited about Christmas morning. We had so much fun and she got WAY too much stuff!

I woke up to look out my window and see this! Seriously crazy snow storm at our house.
We made homemade peppermint marshmallows. They were amazing-ly delicious. Hot chocolate may never be the same. I only mention this because it was a sticky, irritating mess, and I need to remind myself that the end result was worth it. It was.
I'm sure there are about 50 other things I am forgetting. It's safe to say we had an amazing holiday, loved seeing all of our families, and are counting down the days till December is back!!


Vanessa said...

Yay! Your blog made my day; your writing is seriously the best and cracks me up like no other! Looks like you guys had a great December! I'm sure you're quite busy preparing for your newest lil one! xoxo

The Boyd Family said...

Love it! Those peppermint marshmallows look sooo good. Can't wait to be reunited with my BFF! :)

Oh...and BELLY PICS??? Seriously. Your killing me.

The Boyd Family said...

BTW- I LOVE the pic of Siena in the chefs hat. :)