Ever heard of IntelliGender? Me neither until lil sis told me about it this weekend. Apparently it is suppose to be able to determine the sex of your baby as early as 10 weeks. The 90% accuracy claim had me a little skeptical but we decided it might be kinda fun to try anyway. Brandon picked one up at the drugstore this weekend and the results are in...anyone care to guess? We are keeping it a secret until we can do the 20 week ultrasound and get the "real" results... it's only 6 weeks away. Come on- you can wait a little longer right? Brandon thinks I'm evil. I agree.
Hee hee! I already know... (Ok, I feel special!) BTW- Why does NO ONE COMMENT BUT ME?!?! We need to seriously do something about this!
Ooh, ooh...I played this "game," too;) I was SO skeptical, but figured "what the heck." It came up "boy" and low and behold...I had a boy;) Oh, and I think people who leave a comment on your blog should be let in on the results...hehe! No pressure, though!
I say boy. Am I right? ;)
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