Friday, July 23, 2010

Some day

The other day I asked Siena what she wanted to be when she grew up. She looked at me and instantly said "happy". No hesitation, no thought, like it was the easiest and most obvious answer in the world. My first thought was- Wow! Where did this kid come from and how is she smarter than 90% of the adult population...including myself!?!?
I was thinking in more literal terms when I asked the question and was expecting some of these answers...
soccer player
roller derby mama
professional bowlerartistmember of the Village Peoplemechanic
It's so amazing to be a kid isn't it? Being a "grown up" isn't all it's cracked up to be!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Birthday girl

Can you believe our little shorty turned 4 last week?!?! I certainly can't... except I pulled out another grey hair yesterday (so it must be true). We had such a great weekend seeing our families and trying to squeeze in as much stuff as we could. We had a little party down at the lake complete with a princess cake and lots of fun new toys....

Then we headed down to Sea World! I haven't been since I was a kid so I was as excited as Siena.

We let Siena be the navigator since it was her birthday.... which is probably why we ended up walking the park about 500 times over the course of the day. It seemed like a good the time.

Us posing in front of Shamu's crib

Siena was brave and held the smelly fish to feed the sea lions (can you tell that I passed).

My favorite thing- the skyride! It was freezing....

Petting the sting rays. Siena's poor little arms were too short so I practically had to dunk her in so she could touch one!

Who goes to Sea World and doesn't buy a stuffed Shamu? Obviously it was a long day but totally worth it!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

2 down...

I was totally patting myself on the back thinking I had so many things to mark off the list... well I guess 2 is better than none:(

I finished a knitting project...finally something actually got completed instead of started and then dumped in the "maybe later" pile (while I start something else). Can you guess who this will be for?

Is it too girly? I'm trying to keep everything as gender neutral as possible until we know...

Also, I surprised Brandon with a date:) My mom is in town (read "built in babysitter") so I thought we better take advantage while we can. I've been wanting Olive Garden for awhile now so that's where we ended up. Brandon let me pick the restaurant even though it was suppose to be a date for him-Surprise!... ok ok I know nobody is the least bit surprised:)

I know I should have at least a few more things done... my only consolation is I'm pretty sure Katie hasn't even started yet...

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

We had a great day filled with tons of fun. Of course it was 50 million degrees so Brandon set up the new pool....
I made the famous flag cake- because it's not the 4th with out it!We did some fireworks... Siena was super excited until they started being really loud. We had to break out the earphones and then we were back in business!I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday!
ps- I've been doing so good on my list... I'll post soon to cross off the stuff I've finished!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

20 things in 31 days

So I have been asked by my lovely sister to participate in a challenge for the month of July- and by "asked" I mean "insisted, demanded, and blackmailed" (Katie I love you don't be insulted).
I have to come up with a list of 20 things that I will accomplish in the month of July. It is suppose to be things that will somehow enrich my life or make me a better person. I've decided that always doing what you are suppose to is overrated and most of my list is more about things I've always wanted to do and having fun! I say "most" because I couldn't completely rebel... it's just not in me folks.
Without further adieu the list!
  1. cook 2 meals inspired by a culture that I am unfamiliar with
  2. fillet a fish (but Brandon is cutting off the head)
  3. reach out and make a new friend
  4. reconnect with an old friend
  5. actually finish a knitting project
  6. go to church as a family
  7. plan a surprise date for just Brandon and myself
  8. exercise 30 min EVERY single day
  9. find joy in something small
  10. get up to watch the sunrise
  11. make a special dessert from scratch
  12. do something completely spontaneous
  13. spend 1 whole day doing what I want to do and nothing that I should do
  14. grow something....and not kill it
  15. learn to play the guitar...or at least a few chords (it's a start)
  16. put together an emergency kit
  17. re-read a book I loved as a child
  18. do something that makes me uncomfortable
  19. send a care package to someone in need
  20. think of one more thing for my list (open to suggestions)

I have no idea how many of these I'll actually accomplish... maybe I should add "be more optimistic" to the list...