I'd like to introduce myself- I'm the girl who hasn't been blogging in the last few months (hangs head in shame). Glad that is over with, moving on.
So much has been going on around here in the last few (ok 6) months. Luckily, it's all been fun stuff, and not me loosing my mind while trying to juggle 2 kids. Sofia is so amazingly easy I didn't really need much of an adjustment period. I'll probably be changing my story once she is actually mobile.
So the latest and greatest around here has been Siena starting kindergarten. We both survived the first few days of school. She already made a new friend and seems to be adjusting just fine. I, on the other hand, have resorted to staring at the clock until it's time to pick her up. I know eventually I'll be glad she is going, but for now, I'm sad and lonely.

A recap of our summer in coming next!