Meet the newest member of the fam! Sofia decided to make an appearance on March 1rst at 5:46pm. She weighed 8 1/2 lbs and was 19.75 inches long.
I can't believe it's already been over 3 weeks since she's been home! Things are settling down around here and we are starting to get into a rhythm of sorts...if you can call being sleep deprived and brain dead a "rhythm". But seriously, things are going way better than I thought they would be and Sofia is such a good little baby.
We've been so lucky with all the help our friends and family have given us. Our moms came to the rescue at the hospital (Siena almost had a front row seat to the birth- talk about traumatizing a 4 yr old!), my friends brought us dinners, and my sister did everything around the house and kept me sane for the last 2 weeks. She left yesterday so now we are officially on our own... dun dun duuuuunnnnnn. Now I actually have to start cooking and cleaning again-ugh.
Siena is loving her role as a big sis... as long as it doesn't interfere with her busy schedule of playing and causing trouble. Her favorite thing is picking clothes out for the baby to wear... and since Sofia needs about 500 outfits changes a day it's working out pretty good!
Up next... a recap of the fabulous and crazy past 2 weeks with my sis and nephews!