We took Siena for a nice little outing at the beach. She was pretty afraid of the water but I guess that's what living in Vegas does to you... I mean come on- the largest body of water she has seen in a while is her kiddie pool. I'm guessing the whole ocean was just a little overwhelming. Kellie and her new beau went with us and it was nice to be able to spend some time with her:).
One of my best friends since elementary school is getting married! Benita had her bachelorette party at Disneyland and I was so happy to be able to go. I was only there for the "g rated" part but that was o.k. with me:)
The only other news I have to report is I actually grew something!!! The radishes are doing good (I know- radishes). I owe the gardens success all to Siena because unless she insists on playing in the backyard, I totally forget to water it:) Cucumbers, green beans and carrots should be ready in a few weeks!