Not too much to report in the last month or so. We got back from Seattle the end of February. It was so much fun!!! Even though Siena was sick, we got our much needed Gavin-Katie-Joe fix. The flight up was pretty uneventful- I didn't have an anxiety attack in the airport which was a nice little bonus for Brandon because I think he was counting on one. I found a little bottle of benadryl stashed in his bag and I don't think he would have been afraid to use it:) The week went by soooo fast and it was really hard to come back home. The flight home was a little more drama but nothing I can't permanently block out:) Siena was super sick when we got back and had to get on some meds the next day. We are now all happy, healthy, and anxiously awaiting everyone to come out in a couple weeks for Kellie's 21rst b-day!!! Anyway here are some pics from the trip... These were taken at the children's museum in Seattle. The kids had such a great time! They had all these different rooms- a grocery store to "shop" in, a fire truck with gear to dress up in, a hardware store with tools and items to build, and so much more...

Here is Siena and I on the plane- as you can see neither one of us is crying so it had to be on the way up to Seattle... the pics from the trip home are terribly scary...
I love this picture!!! Brandon is reading that story for the twentieth time and both kids just rolled out of bed as proven by Siena's hair:)